The Newest Super Hero of 2020: Moms // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist


Ladies….. lets gather. It’s time to talk about it! We have been tested in all areas this year. Not just mommies, but women in general. 2020 just has not let up! I first want to give you all a round of applause, for making it. Although I don’t believe much will change at the top of 2021, we are almost there. I especially want to send a special big hug to the mommies, especially to the working mommies. 

As a single working mommy myself, It has been a TASK, trying to run a business, working (when I was working) being a teacher (can we also acknowledge that these new strategies that they are teaching our kids these days goes COMPLETELY against education as we know it and I am not happy. 😂😂😂 I have to re-teach myself to learn it the way my son has so that I can teach him. 🙄) It’s annoying. Lol. Anywho, let’s get to it!

I have had to learn to adjust tremendously. After being furloughed from my day job and taking on all of the roles that a teacher has (which is a lot), I had to create a new household routine that now included school. Once I got the hang of that, I began full throttle on Curated Image Design on top of dealing with the stress of “Hows”.


God has been working out the “hows” but the adjustments continue. Now that we are back in school for third grade, my son is on a virtual schedule, I have been called back to work, and now we are on a new level of change. I am grateful to have a great coparenting relationship with my son’s father, but most do not. 

It is tough right now. We are still in a whirlwind of uncertainty. However, what I can for sure tell you is that you are not alone. Most people are not sharing, but we are literally all in this together. We all have the same frustrations and hardships going on. Stay in a positive space by doing self care routines and things that make you happy. This will help you with patience with your child/children and keep a clear energy.

You got this mama!


3 Ways To Shape and Elongate Any Body Type // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist


How To Shop With Style and Purpose // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist