How To Shop With Style and Purpose // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist


How many of you have gone into a clothing store aimlessly just to “browse” but end up walking out with almost $100 worth of pieces? I know I have, but it’s usually in Target and I DO spend $100 or more. lol. I know you can relate. Although I haven’t quite adapted this theory in Target or Trader Joe’s, I have gotten it down in a clothing store. What is this adaptation called? It’s called “Shopping with A Purpose”.

So how can we shop with a purpose when we want? Well you start by doing it purposely in these 3 steps.


🛍 It may sound silly, but like a grocery list, write down only what you need. This will mean that you will only need to go into a clothing store IF you need something new.


🛍 Don’t shop for trends, shop for foundation or to add to an existing capsule wardrobe. What is a capsule wardrobe? It is a method of editing your closet of existing pieces into segments. I go into detail about how to create your capsule wardrobe in my ebook Build Your Capsule Wardrobe. I reveal the 5 steps I use with my clients to build your own capsule wardrobe yourself. 


🛍 Remain focused. You ABSOLUTELY can be distracted by all of the pretty little things around you but stay focused. Keeping a razor sharp focus can keep you on task and within budget!


Simple right?!! I know… easier said than done, but now you have the tools to shop but with purpose. Being purposeful in your shopping can help you from being wasteful. Millions of pieces of clothing are not sustainable and create harm to our planet. Shopping with purpose allows you to only shop for what you ultimately need. 

Give it a try and let me know how it worked for you!


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