5 Fool-Proof Steps to hold Yourself Accountable // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist


Accountability is not always the easiest thing to do. As adults with lives and schedules, we can get bogged down with life’s daily task and don’t hold ourselves accountable for the things that matter. Those things could be a project for yourself, self care, or even a proper bedtime routine. Here are some ways you can hold yourself accountable, to getting important things done.

📌 Create a Weekly Schedule and Stick to It.

One of the first steps we can take is creating a schedule. Whether is getting in 30min of exercising, posting on social media for your business, or dedicated quiet time, begin to be intentional about the schedule your creating.

📌 Set Realistic Goals

Goal setting is another trick up the accountability sleeve. Having goals keeps you on top of what it is you want to accomplish in the future. I like to put my goals into a notebook and weekly I read them. Once a goal is met, I write that down in a separate notebook. Almost like a “Blessings Answered” notebook to review when we have those tough life moments.

📌 Set Reminders

Whether you are a “paper person” where you have to see things written down or an “electronics person” where your reminders are on an electronic device, a reminder is a great way to keep you on track. I myself am a paper and electronic person. I’ll see it written down and take a mental note, but it will take that extra push from my phone to remind me.

📌Get You an Accountability Crew

That’s right. You NEED like-minded individuals around you to help keep you on track. In my immediate circle, there is not a day that goes by that one of my girls is not calling me asking, “What do I have going on?” or “What did I accomplish today?” Trust me it helps!! Find those people in your life that you can trust, will support you, and help keep you going!

📌 Celebrate Your Accountability Wins!

Yes! Get excited when you meet a goal from holding yourself accountable! That’s a big deal because accountability is tough. So get out that glass of wine and toast it up! You did it!


Accountability keeps you sharp in your daily task. If you are trying to start a new business, outside of discipline, accountability is the next piece of the puzzle you need to gain the success you desire. Keep pushing forward! I hope some of these tips help you to become more successful in your accountability journey!

What are some other ways you can think of when it comes to being accountable?


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