Organizing Your Creative Content // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist


Honesty Hour: I struggle with this….STILL but I’ve gotten a lot better at keeping myself on track. I often get the question from friends or in my messages on social media, how do I remain consistent with posting because “there is always so much going on.” Well, FACTS! There is a lot going on. Between COVID, parents becoming teachers, jobs in limbo, normalcy being turned upside down, finding new ways to keep your sanity, being consistent is the last thing that a lot of us are focused on. I GET IT! Playing a different advocate here, being consistent in one area can take your mind off of life’s realities. I want to share with you how I have been staying consistent with social media as I am growing my business.

1. Write it Down or Store it in Your Phone Notes!

As creative individuals, or just as a person in general, we are bombarded with thoughts and ideas daily. No matter if you act on it or not, WRITE IT DOWN. Your million dollar idea could come to you at 1:35pm and by 7:30p you’ve forgotten all about it. I write down everything. I literally have journals and phone notes full of ideas and maybe you should too. 

2. Planning + Automation

This is very important for me. Without a plan, it’s difficult to execute. There are so many phone apps that make this planning process easier, I am currently using one called Planoly. However, I’m still a pen and paper type girl. It gives me great satisfaction to see an item crossed out. Carve out a few hours on this day to make a plan for the week. This is where some of those ideas you wrote down can come to life. For me, this is the day I plan content, what I am writing about on my blog, meetings with clients, and overall ”to-dos” for life in general. This is where intention kicks into high gear. 


3. Content Creating Day

On this day I upload in Planoly my content. If I am shooting myself, I will shoot all of my outfit posts and write out my blog to post on Monday. Having my posts ready to go and edited makes it easier to post consistently. There is ZERO way I would be able to shoot daily or “post as I go”, especially with how life works. How do I find the things to talk about on my blog? That can be hard too. lol. However, I really do try to be inspired by everything around me. Cliché but true. 


Accountability!! Keep a small group of like-minded individuals around you who will hold you accountable in reaching your goals. “Birds of a feather...” remember. When you have accountability partners, not only are they keeping you on track but you are also returning the favor. 

The lesson here is this: You ABSOLUTELY make time for what is important to you. Writing it down, making a plan, and executing, are a few of those “need to do” things in order to get things in motion. The other part of that is consistency. You can have those 3 things down to a science, but if you’re not consistent with putting presentable content out there (even if it’s not perfect), you will put it off until you just stop doing it. 

Start this week small. Take your idea, make a plan and execute. It’s possible!


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