How to Take a Breather // Atlanta Personal Brand Stylist


Caring for your mental is incredibly important especially during the new life changes that we are all enduring. We are being bombarded, at so many different angles, with sadness, destruction, corruption, you name it. Subconsciously, we are consistently internalizing what we see or hear. With that, it is imperative that we do the work to take care of ourselves like never before. Earlier this year, I was suffering from chronic migraines. Not headaches, migraines. They were debilitating for me and incredibly hard to deal with while still having the duties of being a mother and entrepreneur. 

You have to ensure that yourself is ok, before you can be of service to others and your daily routines. How can you take a moment to take care of yourselves? Check out some of my tips:

💫 Reflect

Reflection is something that we take for granted when it comes to its importance. If we don’t first reflect, we won’t be able to identify what we need to work on. So take inventory on how you’re feeling, what is bothering you, and your reactions to things that may go on around you.

💫 Intention

Be intentional about your why behind taking these moments for yourself. I intentionally make time to do the things that help me clear my head. Breathing exercises, meditation, and yoga have been my saving graces.


💫 Logoff

Get off the phones and away from your TV. Read a great book, color, write, have some wine, sip on your favorite tea or coffee while listening to some music, just get away from anything that can trigger the anxiety you may feel. I took an accidental year break from social media and it was so GREAT to be in the moment of life. Just being… We’ve gotten away from the art of “just being”. It’s really disheartening when you think about it, but times have changed. So be intentional about taking a break from time-to-time.

💫 Manifest

Daydreaming is still a thing. It really is. The secret of manifestation is the knowledge that what you desire is already yours. Believe that. Feel that. Receive that. Take a moment to reflect and write down what it is that you desire for yourself, your kids, family, future, read it and receive it. Come back to what you wrote down from time-to-time, and believe it, feel it, receive it. 

💫 Workout

I know, I know. Working out is not always the first thing that comes to mind for most of us, but it works. The endorphins released, help to relieve stress and to be honest, you’ll feel good about yourself afterwards. Give it 30mins of your time.


Caring for yourself is paramount and essential to creating a positive space around you and others. Share with me some of your tips. What do you like to do to take care of yourself? 💛


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